Mediation Training Programs
We offer Basic Mediation Training as well as specialty-area trainings such as Custody-Visitation Mediation Training, Special Education Mediation Training, Eldercare Mediation Training, Divorce Mediation Training, and training specific to the Corporate Sector.
Our Basic Mediation Training is a 35-hour training that is approved by the NYS Unified Court System’s Office of ADR and Court Improvement Programs.
VOLUNTEER MEDIATORS NEEDED: Already a Mediator? Find out how to volunteer your services on our Careers and Volunteering Page.
Corporate Training offers custom-designed training modules tailored for the company and specific area of interest including Conflict Resolution and Diversity Training with a focus on team building and collaborative negotiation.
- Conflict Resolution Training
Assess company needs and develop a customized Conflict Resolution six-hour training program delivered in two-hour segments at the company’s discretion. The overall goal is to sharpen skills that will enhance communication in order to improve the working environment. - Conflict Coaching
Looks at conflict as a symptom of dysfunction that can be remedied through more collaborative thinking and improved communication skills. This service works with individuals on a one-to-one basis to examine the conflict in detail and explore tools that will lead to a more effective response. - Diversity Training
Includes a brief assessment with company staff, a customized program specific to company needs, and thoughtful dialogue that fosters a greater understanding between and among members of the corporate community. - Employee Service Presentation
As a value-added piece to our corporate clients and to build awareness of our services, we are prepared to make presentations about our services and afford individuals an opportunity to inquire how they can avail themselves of our services in a private and confidential manner.
CLUSTER’s Restorative Practices Educational Opportunities Among its services, CLUSTER facilitates professional development training in restorative practices for schools and organizations committed to building a restorative culture among faculty, students, families, and community. The descriptions below provide an example of restorative practices trainings that can be tailored to meet the needs of your organization. Each training includes a combination of direct instruction and interactive practice.
- Foundation of Restorative Practices
Explores the “why” of restorative practices, including impact on personal and professional relationships and the paradigm shift from punitive to restorative. Participants are introduced to the experience of community-building circles, affective language, and restorative conversations. - Community-Building Circles
Based on the foundations of restorative practices, participants are introduced to the elements and stages of circle process for community-building. Participants have an opportunity to develop their own community-building circles, with feedback and support of the training team and their peers. - Restorative Practices for Responding to Conflict and Harm
Participants explore responsive restorative circles, re-entry circles, and restorative conferences, and the phases of preparation necessary for these processes to safely occur.
Do you have a particular request? Please let us know and we will work with you to design professional development sessions that fit the needs of your organization.
For more information, please contact:
Trudy Junkroski, Restorative Justice Supervisor
(914) 446-0863,
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