Eviction Prevention Funds Available for City of Yonkers

Due to overwhelming demand and limited funds:
As of July 31, 2021, pre-screening eviction forms will no longer be accepted.

Fondos de prevención de desalojo disponibles para los inquilinos de la Ciudad de Yonkers:

Debido a la abrumadora demanda y los fondos limitados:
A partir del 31 de julio de 2021, ya no se aceptarán los formularios de desalojo de preselección.

The Housing Resource Center provides services that educate tenants, prevent eviction, end homelessness, and improve living conditions for singles and families. For over 20 years, we have been assisting households with a wide range of services, including:

  • professional guidance to prevent evictions
  • code enforcement for improved housing conditions
  • emergency assistance for displaced families
  • tenant education and training
  • short-term financial assistance with intensive case management for qualifying households

The Center is funded by grants from the City of Yonkers, Westchester County and New York State. All of our services are available in English and Spanish.

Services are confidential and free of charge for low-to-moderate income residents of Yonkers only.