CLUSTER would like to thank everyone for their support, especially during COVID-19


Please send your resume and cover letter to, and include the job you are seeking in the subject line.

Volunteer to Help

We encourage your to get to know CLUSTER, to become involved as a volunteer, and share our commitment to individual growth and community improvement. You can also help support our programs by volunteering your time. Download the Volunteer application here.

Send your completed application to, or learn more about volunteering in one of CLUSTER’s programs, and include “Volunteering” in the subject line.

Volunteer Mediator
The prerequisite to mediate any cases at our centers is the 35-hour Basic Mediation Training provided by the Westchester and Rockland Mediation Centers, followed by an apprenticeship. Apprentice mediators co-mediate cases with more experienced mediators who have been certified by our Centers. If you have recently taken another training approved by the NYS Unified Court System for CDRC’s (Community Dispute Resolution Centers) you may apply to begin mediating at our center, with an understanding that our training would be required of you when it is next offered. Most of our mediation services are provided to the public at no cost by volunteer mediators. While some caseloads are paid for by parties on a sliding scale and those fees are shared with our mediators, mediating these cases requires specialty trainings and extensive mediation experience.

If interested in becoming a volunteer mediator please contact: